Friday, July 25, 2008

It Has Potential

I'm in Pakistan for the summer and as the internet connection here is pretty slow it'll be tough to find videos and search for clothes - but I still wanted to post so I had an idea the other night: I'm making an Iman Strengthening book for college to use as a pick-me-up when my iman feels weak and I decided that everytime I add something to the book, I'll add it to my blog as well - that way I'm potentially helping more than just myself :)

here's page 1:

"...a person has the need to keep his imaan (faith and awareness) alive to strengthen it. He must strive to preserve and develop his innate goodness. Quite clearly, it is not enough for you to say "I believe" and expect that your moral sense will remain sharp. It is easy to be forgetful and become engrossed in the business and cares of life. Through neglect or even deliberate disobedience, the moral sense can also become so blunt that the ugliness of vice may seem beautiful and attractive." (p. 66 Islam The Natural Way - AbdulWahid Hamid)


gingermuffin said...

Hey, that's a really good idea, masha'Allah! I have a book too, I call it my "Islam Book." It contains hadiths which I find interesting, verses of the Qur'an, Islamic stories, poems, lyrics to nasheeds etc etc. Lately I have been neglecting it, not adding stuff...hmmm...I should go back to that now...

Vanessa Fatima said...

srtuba, that's awesome! I would love to see the contents of your Islam Book! Most of my stuff is at home but I'm working on it... if you'd like to share, let me know and i'll message you my email address

gingermuffin said...

Yeah, sure! I'd love to share! you need my email address for this?

Vanessa Fatima said...

yeahh here i'll give you mine first

NYcandyfloss at yahoo dot com (typed it like that to ward off spammers)

gingermuffin said...

K, mine is: tuba[dot]nisar[at]yahoo[dot]com