Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hints of Yellow - Outfit

okay, so I love winter, but I've noticed that I tend to reach for dark colors during this season... I don't even know why because I mean it's already pretty dull outside. Thus, I incorporated yellow into this outfit, because it's a happy/sunshine-esque color. Sometimes it's hard to wear straight up yellow - however I am a big fan of pops of color so here we are:

mm and I was thinking a yellow handbag if you feel like.. but I couldn't find any that particularly "tickled my fancy" heh. The dress is from express, the hijab from www.thecanadianmuslim.ca, peep toes, bangles, and pants all from banana republic (they have an amazing 70% off sale right now actually so check that out).

Pretty much everything in this outfit was on sale - you love it.


Anonymous said...

"Pretty much everything in this outfit was on sale - you love it."
made me smile, think i told you though
id wear it if i was a muslimah
too bad im not lol