Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How Muslims Are Treated in America - ABC Primetime

Kudos to everyone who sticks up for her! Of course this is not how all Muslims are treated in America so one cannot watch this and make rigid assumptions - nothing is in black and white - there are always shades of gray. The guy who gave the cashier a thumbs-up disgusted me, but it saddened me even more to see how many customers did not speak and were merely observers... :(

I would like to especially send out much love to the two girls who stood up for her - they are part of our coming generation, and it would be awesome if we all learned to speak our minds and to be assertive like they were! i'A.



Anonymous said...

greatt post
my sister actually showed me this
may god make it easier on us all

Pixie said...

Jazzakallah dear, oh this had tears in my eyes. I've been there---seen people watch while a gornw man followed me a harrassed me (and they were my generation) and they did nothing. Once on a bus a woman called me a taliban and this man apologized to me. He said "I am so sorry this happens to you." A man at work once refused to let me serve him so my co-workers refused to. Jazzakallah all those out there who stand for truth, may Allah reward you.

Salma Khan said...

awww it's disheartening to see such ignorant people

Pixie said...

Not disheartening---it is a test, from Allah SWT, to see how much we love Him and our brother man (even if our brother man happens to be an ignorant hateful man). The Prophet SAW never cursed anybody, but he always said to one guilty of wrongdoing, "May his brow be covered in dust" meaning, the worst he ever used on a man was to wish the man prayed more. This is a Sunnah that I love and hope to follow as best I can.

Vanessa Fatima said...

anon - thank you, and yes insh'Allah.

alixianna - you have so much patience mash'Allah. may Allah grant all of us more forbearance. The more we are tested, the more it shows that Allah loves us - those are our opportunities to endure and gain higher levels in Paradise! The habits of the Prophet (pbuh) are sooo beautiful. jazakallah for sharing that alixianna. Wow, who wouldn't want to emulate his ways??

salma - I agree with you, even though they are tests, it's still awful how ignorant some people are!

Desert Housewife A. (The Canadian in Jubail) said...

I saw this when it was featured. I watched this particular clip you posted and it didn't show what one of the men in the background said (after the Muslimah decoy left) to the dude who was supposed to be a hater.

Wallah his statement was pathetic: "I don't see any Jews or Christians blowing up things!" with a half-joking half0serious manner. That's right, you don't because your media is biased and won't show the real truth behind matters.

But the 2 girls and one Christian man were very sweet, and it's the light we need at the end of a dark tunnel called Islamophobia.

Vanessa Fatima said...

Aalia, I totally agree with you, what he said was so obnoxious and naive.

and your last words were very nicely put. mash'Allah.


gingermuffin said...

Subhan'Allah. This brought tears to my eyes. Those two girls were so brave at the end,masha'Allah, may Allah guide them and protect them on the straight path and grant them success in both worlds. Ameen. Oh, and all the other people who stuck up for her!

Unknown said...

I grew up in that area, and have returned to that same store many times over,(yes I was covered) I have never been treated in this manor. Sometimes I got a few stairs, but that is normal for a small country town you walk in there with purple hair and you are going to get the same reaction because it is out of the norm for the town. Kudos needs to be given to the towns people because of the man throwing the thumbs up, he has lost A LOT of business, no one want to be associated with him. Also kudos to my cousin, the big red headed guy that yelled at the clerk, thank you soooo much Matt!